ÿRSFTSTYLë`kz4J Financial Regulation4Business and Economicsið IZThis style is for the Journal of Financial Regulation, which is based on OSCOLA 4th edition Journal citations that should have the year in square brackets will have to be modified when the work is finished (see Journals, below). Notes about using this style: · Capitalise major words in titles (for cases, statutes, journal articles, books, reports etc; eg The History of Time). · Only Reference Types that are formatted in the Footnotes Templates (and noted below) will show the reference appropriately. · Text in fields not included in the formatting will not appear in the footnote or the bibliography, however it is not necessary to have text in all the formatted fields. · Text in Reference Types not included in the list below will appear in the Generic format. · The year is not included in several formats, however it is useful to include it in the reference so that your library can be organized by date, or for when reformatting your references in other styles. · Use Edit Citation/Suffix or Edit Citation/Pages to add pinpoints/page numbers, section and subsections, notes, cross references etc, or simply add these details in the footnote outside the 'grey' Endnote field. Bear in mind that the Edit Citation/Pages function only allows insertion of spaces and numbers. When cross-referencing to an earlier footnote use Edit Citation/Suffix. · To stop the bibliography building in your document as you write, untick 'Include Citations in Bibliography' then Save this style. To produce a bibliography at the end of your work, tick 'Include Citations in Bibliography' and reformat your document. · To stop subsequent mentions of a citation in your footnotes from using the author only, Short Form of the citation, and/or ibid, make relevant changes in Footnotes, Repeated Citations. · Use the Endnote Manual for information about downloading references, modifying templates and reference types, using groups and keywords and so on. Cases 1. Put the party names in the Case Name field in roman (ie not italic) font. 2. Put the full citation in the Reporter field, eg [1932] AC 562 OR [2003] UKHL 50, [2004] 1 AC 1034. 3. Put the court in the Court field without brackets (don't include the court if it is indicated in the neutral citation). 4. For ECJ cases, put the Case Number in the Call Number field; it will appear in roman font before the party names. 5. Include ECtHR Application numbers and Commission Decision details with required punctuation at the beginning of the Reporter field, eg (App 788/60) OR (Case IV/M042) Commission Decision. 6. Text in the Abbreviated Case Name field is used for subsequent citations. If you use this feature, be aware that the information required in subsequent footnotes will vary depending on what you have mentioned in the text. Cases format: Call Number Case Name Reporter (Court) Statutes 1. Put the full name (including the year and any identifying numbers) of the Bill, Act, SI, Treaty etc in the Name of Act field. If citing Council Directives, Regulations and Commission documents, include the citation in the Name of Act field. 2. Text in the Short Title field is used in subsequent citations. Statutes format: Name of Act Book (for Books, Reports, documents with ISBNs) 1. Enter author and year in their respective fields. 2. Enter the title with capital letters for the major words. 3. If there are successive editions, enter the edition (eg 2nd or 12th). 4. Enter the publisher. 5. If a volume number is required, enter a number in the Book Volume field. Note that the comma after title will only appear if there is a volume number. 6. Enter any additional information, such as editor(s), translator(s) or when the book was first published in the Series Title field. 7. If required, enter a short title into the Short Title field for subsequent citations of a book. Book format: Author, Title ,Volume (Series Title, Edition edn, Publisher Year) Edited Book Follow the guidelines for books, inserting the editor(s) names. Format: Editor (ed)^(eds), Title ,Volume (Series Title, Edition edn, Publisher Year) Book Section (Contributions to books) Follow the guidelines for books, but put the chapter title into the Title field, and the name of the book into the Book Title field. Note that OSCOLA does not require page numbers for chapters in books. Format: Author, 'Title' in Editor (ed)^(eds), Title ,Volume (Series Title, Edition edn, Book Title, Publisher Year) Journal articles 1. Enter author and title and year in their respective fields. 2. Enter the journal name OR abbreviation in the Journal field. 3. Enter the volume number if there is a consecutive volume number, otherwise leave Volume field blank. 4. If issue numbers are entered they will not appear in the formatted footnotes. 5. Enter either the first page or the span of pages in the Page field; only the first page will show in the footnote. Journal format: Author, 'Title' (Year) Volume Journal Pages JOURNALS THAT USE THE YEAR AS A VOLUME NUMBER [square bracket journals] Journals that use the year rather than a consecutive number to identify the volume will have to be modified after the work is complete and Endnote fields have been removed. At that point, search in footnotes for the journals that have no volume number, and replace the parentheses (round brackets) around the year with square brackets. The parentheses around 2008 in the Public Law example shown below would have to be replaced with square brackets to produce the correct citation: J Ip, 'The Rise and Spread of the Special Advocate' [2008] Public Law 717. A partial list of square bracket journals: Acta Juridica, British Tax Review, Criminal Law Review, International Family Law, Journal of Business Law, Journal of Planning and Environment Law, Journal of Personal Injury Litigation, Legal Action, Lloyd s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Public Law Private Client Business. Note: Some journals change from consecutive volume numbers to year identification (eg Cambridge Law Journal used the year from 1954 to 1967). Electronic article For articles, papers, other sources only available electronically 1. If the article is available as a print journal, use the journal article reference type. 2. Enter author, year and title as for journal articles. 3. Enter all publication details and any punctuation required in the Periodical Title field (examples from OSCOLA: Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper 1/2007 OR [2010] 1 (1) EJLT OR 2004 Duke L & Tech Rev 0009). 4. Enter the url (web address) of the article, paper, or other type of source. 5. Enter the date of access, generally in the form 31 November 2008. 6. If you need a pinpoints or page numbers, use Edit Citation/Pages, which will insert the pinpoint before the URL. Electronic article format: Author, 'Title' Periodical Title, Cited Pages <URL> accessed Date Accessed Encylopedia (Halsbury's Laws, looseleafs etc) 1. Enter title, volume and year, as required. 2. If citing a particular section in an encyclopedia, use the Book Section reference type.the article is available as a print journal, use the journal article reference type. Encylopedia format: Title| (Edition,| Year)| Cited Pages Report: For Law Commission reports, Command papers, theses, documents with an ISSN, and any document requiring the title in italics and parentheses around the publishing information. If the document is only available online, use Web Page. 1. Enter author: if the author is an institution, put a comma after the name, eg Law Commission, to ensure name is spelt out in full. 2. Enter the title. (It will appear in italics; if it should be in quote marks, use the Conference Paper reference type instead). 3. Enter all information and punctuation required to identify the publication in Series Title field. Examples from OSCOLA that would use the Series Title field include Law Com No 313, HL 2008-09, 107-I, Cmd 8932. 4. Enter the year, if required. Report format: Author, 'Title' (Series Title Year) Conference and other Papers: Use when quote marks are required around the title but there are no parentheses around the citation. 1. Enter author and title. 2. Enter all other citation information and punctuation in the Conference Name field in the required order. 3. If the paper is only available online, use the Electronic Article reference type instead, and enter the url and access date in appropriate fields. Conference paper format: Author, 'Title' (Conference Name) Thesis: Enter author, title, type of thesis (eg DPhil, PhD), the university and the year. Thesis format: Author|, 'Title' (Thesis Type|, University| Year)| Cited Pages Web page format: 1. Enter author and title. 2. Enter the name of the website in the Publisher field. 3. Enter the date of the publication in the Year field. 4. Enter the url and the date you most recently opened this webpage in Access Date. Author, 'Title' (Publisher, Year) <URL> accessed Access Date Newspaper article format: Reporter|, 'Title' Newspaper (|City Issue Date)| Section| Pages| <URL>| accessed Access Date Generic: Choose this format for any references (other than books) that require the title in italics and the publishing details in parentheses. The Generic formatting will also be used by default for any Reference Types that aren't formatted in this OSCOLA style. Generic format: Author, Title (Publisher Year) ûû! 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